What began as simple driving direction cards tucked inside wedding invites has magically morphed into a whole new genre of bridal stationery: the custom wedding map. It’s a fun way to give guests the lay of the land whether yours is an exotic destination-wedding extravaganza or simple backyard nuptials right here in New Jersey.
Your couture map can include anything you might dream up—highlighted points of interest like the church and reception venue, as well as local landmarks that are near and dear. Let “X” mark the spot of your blind date, your first kiss, your wedding proposal, your favorite restaurant or your brand-new house. Use the map as a fun way to illustrate the two of you as a couple on your beloved “home turf.”
One of our favorite bespoke map mavens is professional illustrator Stephannie Souffe of Couture Maps. Her whimsical creations, pictured above, can require up to six weeks, so be sure to get an early start. You can even have your map designed to complement the colors and style of your wedding invitation—or create invitations to match the whimsical look of your map!
If you plan to be married at a popular wedding destination or in a big city, you might be able to save a little money by using an existing custom map as a starting point, and then have it restyled to reflect all the local landmarks that are special to you.
Souffe’s custom maps, available in one color or full color, are so popular that many couples purchase the original and have it framed. Map artwork can also be put on souvenir tote bags, save-the-dates and what Souffe calls “mapkins,” colorful paper cocktail, luncheon and dinner napkins that feature your quirky, one-of-a-kind creation.